
  • Nomination

    PLEASE FOLLOW ALL Instructions. Incomplete nomination forms will not be accepted. For any questions, please Contact Us prior to submitting a nomination form.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Nominee Contact Information

    (person who is being nominated)
  • Nominator Contact Information

    (person who is nominating)
  • Nomination Statement

  • All nomination forms must include a nomination statement. The Nomination Statement should include the following information:
    • Explain why the Nominee’s contributions/accomplishments make her deserving of a Femmes remarquables Ottawa Distinguished Women Recognition.
    • Include special awards and achievements.
    • Provide insights and examples with correlating time frames (years or months) that demonstrate the nominee’s qualifications with respect to the criteria for a given recognition category.
    • Describe how the nominee has made a positive difference to her community and/or to the citizens of Ottawa.
  • Letter(s) of Support

    Attach at least one letter of support for the categories of Lifetime Contribution and Community Pillars. For the category of Women of Inspiration, letters of support are optional.
  • Max. file size: 2 MB.

  • Additional Documentation

    For Lifetime Contribution, please provide additional material in support of the nomination; for example, media stories, testimonials, etc. For the categories of Community Pillars and Women of Inspiration, submission of these materials is optional.
  • Max. file size: 2 MB.

  • Photography

    Please attach a file of the nominee’s head shot in FORMATS sized 1 mb or greater to be used on the site if nomination is successful. Please ensure that the photograph is not subject to copyright and/or has permission by the photographer for its use on the website.
  • Max. file size: 2 MB.

  • Award recognitions are voted on by 3 Jurors selected from a voluntary Jury Panel under the direction of the Jury Committee. The Jurors, Jury Panel, and Jury Committee are at arm’s length from any nomination.

    Duplicate nominations submitted for the same nominee will be limited to the first one received by the Nomination Committee.

    All Jury Panel decisions are final; however, a nomination may be resubmitted for consideration provided that the new nomination application submitted contains additional and/or relevant information that better describes/exemplifies the qualifications of the nominee for a given category and a period of at least 1 year has lapsed between the first and following nomination applications.

    Nomination Committee/Jury Panel members have the discretion to reassign the category of recognition for a given nomination application pending approval by the nominator and nominee.

    The use of personal contact information pertaining to the nominator, the nominee, and supporters will be limited to verification purposes only and will not appear on the website nor will it be disclosed, distributed or used for any purpose(s) other than to process and review the nomination application.

    Any nomination that has been falsified will be disqualified.