Jury Committee

The Jury Committee is an administrative committee responsible for the selection of award recipients in the categories of Lifetime Contribution, Community Pillars, and Women of Inspiration. Its mandate is to oversee and delegate responsibilities of the selection of award recipients to its Jury Panel through established procedures that reflect the highest standards of integrity, fairness, and inclusivity.

The Jury Panel is comprised of representatives that reflect the diversity and makeup of the citizens of Ottawa and whose decisions are made within a context of established criteria and requirements. All decisions from the Jury Panel are to be non-partisan, free from conflict of interest, and made within a context that is solely merit-based.

Jury Panel Members (Jurors) are individuals who are highly respected within Ottawa and/or their distinctive communities and possess the following qualifications:

  • Commitment to Ottawa community initiatives;
  • Experience (either professionally or on a volunteer basis) that distinguishes each as a community leader or ambassador;
  • Direct experience, involvement, and intimate knowledge of their communities; and
  • Ability to evaluate applications in relation to established criteria in a professional and unbiased context.

Jury Panel members may not nominate others; however, individual Jury Panel members may be nominated by others.


To ensure that Jurors are able to make their decisions within an environment free from persuasion or retribution, the Jury Committee and Jury Panel operate within a context of confidentiality and at arm’s length from the Executive and other committees.